Sunday, August 16, 2009

Things I liked about today Sunday 8.16

1. Going to Christ Church. Always been a dream of mine to go there. Dream fulfilled. Everything I hoped it would be.
2. Lunch at Moe's! LOVE IT!
3. Reading so much this afternoon...and everyday that I've been on vaca.
4. Laughing with Ben & Kel about our families. We are so blessed.
5. Visiting with Kel's parents.
6. Laughing at old youth group memories with Ben.

I am so incredible blessed to have spend this time in Tennessee with B & K. They truly are a blessing to my life and I only pray that one day I will be able to return the favor. It has been more than needed to be able to get away and not think for a few days. Definitely did that and have been rejuvenated. Ready to be home tomorrow and see my parents. Missed them so much.

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