Friday, February 20, 2009

A Desire to Know More

So I've been learning. This may not be a shock to you, but to me I feel like it's just another layer of the veil pulled back. I've begun to realize, my God is BIG! Not just big, he's HUGE!!! I cannot even begin to learn all about Him and His greatness, and majesty, and splendor, and glory! But I want to! I want to learn so much more about Him!

So I've been reading Piper! HUGE FAN! I've read Piper before, but never have finished a book. I would much rather someone else read it and explain it to me! That's definitely easier right? I get so frustrated with his huge mind and tired of grabbing at every thought that goes right over my head!

I was challenged a couple of weeks ago by my pastor, to read "Desiring God." A-mazing. I have pulled out several great and amazing points, but aside from all of those one main theme strings them all together.

God is sovereign! In His sovereignty He demands our worship. Worship is not a mere duty that we do as Christ followers, however, worship is a way of gladly reflecting back to God the radiance of His worth!

I have shared before how God in His creation have begun to open my eyes over the past several months. Every single morning I look forward to getting in my car and driving across the lakes and watching the sunrise. God is B-E-A-UTIFUL! His creation is astounding. I am completely blown away that there is not one morning where the sunrise looks the same. They are all unique and all glorify and magnify MY GOD in a different and amazing way.

I pray that my life will be a reflection of the glory of God. It is my great desire that as I learn more about my creator that I will ooze it out of every pore and every word that is spoken. I pray that people are encouraged by my life and that I may glorify God in my everyday walk! I am completely in love with my creator and I am striving to make that known!

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