Monday, January 4, 2010

The Rest of the decade in a whirlwind!

Okay, so I pretty much did a horrible job at keeping up with the decade and letting y'all know how exciting my life has been the past ten years. You will now get the whole decade! Beginning with 2002! I have so many things that I want to blog about, but I will definitely finish this first! So here goes.

This year was interesting. Sophomore year of high school. I still remember the youth camp we went to this year. It was in Kentucky. I don't remember the name of it, but it was great. It was such a good experience and I totally enjoyed it.
In the fall of '02 I had a very good friend die suddenly from an ATV accident. This definitely rocked my world. The one thing I still carry with me from this event is something that my Dad said to me. "God puts people in our lives for a reason. What are you going to do with it when they're gone?" This began the process of God teaching me not only that our life is short, but that we must be intentional and we must make everything count.

This, being my junior year, was the year that I really started asking the question and struggling with the question (That I still ask myself today) "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Hate that question. I almost still do because I just don't have a concrete answer to that and it kills me!
At this point in my life I wanted to go to Belmont University in Nashville, TN and major in music business. My DREAM was to be a road manager. Thought that was just the absolute coolest job in the world! For those that don't know. Four years THEN at Belmont would've cost me about $70,000! That's a little bit out of control, completely unattainable. Was NOT going to be happening.

Sr. Year! Yeah baby! This was a totally great year. Sr. Year and I got out of school at 11. It truly does not get any better than this! This was also a fun year because Rebecca and I drove to school together! We had way too much fun sometimes. It was great.

This would be year one at the community college. Crazy town. Was not a fan of this experience AT ALL. High school was four of the longest years of my life. I did not enjoy it. I have often wished that I could go back to high school now with my attitude and personality now. I was so stinking shy and timid in high school. Didn't talk to anyone and was completely okay if no one talked to me. When entering community college nearly everyone that I was with in high school I was at college with. This led to a not very fun experience. I ended up not finishing in 2006 and began working as much full time as possible.

During our eight years in Missouri from 2000-2008 this was a very trying time for our family. In so many different areas. There were many times that I would pray sobbing asking God why He was taking us through this time. Wondering what we had done to deserve this. It was then that I begin to realize we are loved, but we are not entitled. I remember reading about Moses in the wilderness for forty years and the people having everything provided for them but yet they were still complaining. THEN after being in the wilderness for forty years Moses didn't even lead the children of Israel to the Promise Land! Realizing this was the point in which I believe Christ started teaching me about entitlement. We are called to serve Him and bring Him glory alone.

This year changed A LOT! Not only did we move back to Texas, but my brother got married! This was a very exciting time for us being so happy for he and Kelly and so excited about bringing her into our family. At the same time, however, we are dealing with selling a house and moving to another state. It was crazy, but that was totally God's timing and I am so thankful that HE was the one in control and not any of us.
I began working that fall at a church in Tyler doing secretarial things and everything else that wasn't defined to a current position. It was fun and I totally enjoyed my time there. God DEFINITELY taught me a lot and I am thankful for what he taught me while there.

LOTS happened this year! Began a new job. I got a new car! (Thanks Josh Knight!) I moved into my own apartment. My sister got married and moved to MISSOURI. And then 6 months later I moved back home to Palestine with the folks. I learned a lot while I was living on my own. 1.) I don't like living alone. 2.) It costs A LOT to live alone.
Lesson learned. Back with the folks and enjoying it. Love being with my parents and enjoy our time together so much. It's been fun being back. I'm not enjoying driving a two-hour round trip to work each day, but it has been a welcomes break.

Here is my decade! 2010 has been wonderful so far and I am truly anxious about what this year holds. I have great expectation and love not knowing what the end of this story will look like.

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