Thursday, January 7, 2010

Philipians 2

I am so blessed by reading the Word of God. I am ashamed that I have been a believer as long as I have and have sadly taken it for granted.

v. 3 Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.

I have a college leader who explained this once and it has continually stuck with me. To consider others more significant than yourselves is to not think lowly of yourself, but to think soberly of yourself. There is nothing that makes us exempt from making the same mistakes that others have.

v. 14 Do all things without grumbling or questioning.

I am such a questioner. My entire life I have. Mom even tells me I was the kid that always asked "Why?" I need an answer an explanation for everything! Or at least I think I do! This verse is such a good reminder to me today as so many things that go on in life and I find myself questioning God. God doesn't owe me an answer. I'm not entitled to that.

Yesterday I had someone ask me "Why did God tell Moses that no man should see his face and live."? (Ex. 3:20) This is something I had never thought of before, but upon thinking of it and being challenged with this thought I just kept coming to the same conclusion. "Because He's God. That's why!" There's not another answer that is anywhere close to being adequate. God does not owe us further explanation. Sometimes we are given that, but never entitled to it. I never want to question the authority of God by questioning the will of God.

v.16 holding fast to the word of life SO THAT in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain.

As I just mentioned with never being owed an explanation of a command; there are times we are granted that. I appreciate these times, in fact, anytime there is a "so that" in my Bible, there is a little box around it!

Just the very little bit I am reading has made me all the more grateful for those who have gone before us and walked a hard road in order for us to have any sort of guidance. I pray that I remember this whenever I go through hard time that it is not for me but for the Gospel and the spiritual growth of someone else.

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