Paul is, hands down, one of my favorite NT writers. He is so real. He doesn't seem to every get "preachy", even though that's exactly what he's doing. Never goes into a speaking engagement or blog post with a "holier than you" perspective. He knows full well he was just like us and that is still part of who he is and who we are; no matter how hard we try to fight it.
v. 3-7 For we are the circumcision, who worship by the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh though I myself have reason for confidence in the flesh also. If anyone else thinks he has reason for confidence in the flesh, I have more: circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; as to the law, a Pharisee; 6 as to zeal, a persecutor of the church; as to righteousness under the law, blameless. But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ
Paul does not shy away from who he was. He was the best of the best and is admitting "That's still not enough. It's not enough just to be a good person. Paul was! If that's what it took he would've been ahead of all of us and even still! They was no one that was greater at following the law than he was!
This part of scripture is always a smack in the face to me no matter when I read it. I feel like I spend so much time trying to "be good" and do the "right thing" and reading this Paul is saying "Dude, I did the right thing! I was the best at doing the right thing, but that just doesn't matter!" Doing good cannot be our goal!
v. 13-14 Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
This is where our hope comes from. When we forget what is behind and move forward to what is ahead! So many times we spend our time looking back and apologizing for the life that we've lived. Apologizing for the mistakes we've made. The times we've failed. Instead, Christ wants us to live in victory. He wants us to live in the knowledge that he has overcome all of our baggage and we must move forward with him. (Wow, that sounded a little too "Joel Osteen-ish)
I love the Lord so much and I pray that I will live out His love for me as I strive to love others. I pray that I will not simply "do good things", but that I will strive towards the goal of Christ Jesus. Always remembering that He will be glorified all the more when I die to self.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Philipians 2
I am so blessed by reading the Word of God. I am ashamed that I have been a believer as long as I have and have sadly taken it for granted.
v. 3 Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.
I have a college leader who explained this once and it has continually stuck with me. To consider others more significant than yourselves is to not think lowly of yourself, but to think soberly of yourself. There is nothing that makes us exempt from making the same mistakes that others have.
v. 14 Do all things without grumbling or questioning.
I am such a questioner. My entire life I have. Mom even tells me I was the kid that always asked "Why?" I need an answer an explanation for everything! Or at least I think I do! This verse is such a good reminder to me today as so many things that go on in life and I find myself questioning God. God doesn't owe me an answer. I'm not entitled to that.
Yesterday I had someone ask me "Why did God tell Moses that no man should see his face and live."? (Ex. 3:20) This is something I had never thought of before, but upon thinking of it and being challenged with this thought I just kept coming to the same conclusion. "Because He's God. That's why!" There's not another answer that is anywhere close to being adequate. God does not owe us further explanation. Sometimes we are given that, but never entitled to it. I never want to question the authority of God by questioning the will of God.
v.16 holding fast to the word of life SO THAT in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain.
As I just mentioned with never being owed an explanation of a command; there are times we are granted that. I appreciate these times, in fact, anytime there is a "so that" in my Bible, there is a little box around it!
Just the very little bit I am reading has made me all the more grateful for those who have gone before us and walked a hard road in order for us to have any sort of guidance. I pray that I remember this whenever I go through hard time that it is not for me but for the Gospel and the spiritual growth of someone else.
v. 3 Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.
I have a college leader who explained this once and it has continually stuck with me. To consider others more significant than yourselves is to not think lowly of yourself, but to think soberly of yourself. There is nothing that makes us exempt from making the same mistakes that others have.
v. 14 Do all things without grumbling or questioning.
I am such a questioner. My entire life I have. Mom even tells me I was the kid that always asked "Why?" I need an answer an explanation for everything! Or at least I think I do! This verse is such a good reminder to me today as so many things that go on in life and I find myself questioning God. God doesn't owe me an answer. I'm not entitled to that.
Yesterday I had someone ask me "Why did God tell Moses that no man should see his face and live."? (Ex. 3:20) This is something I had never thought of before, but upon thinking of it and being challenged with this thought I just kept coming to the same conclusion. "Because He's God. That's why!" There's not another answer that is anywhere close to being adequate. God does not owe us further explanation. Sometimes we are given that, but never entitled to it. I never want to question the authority of God by questioning the will of God.
v.16 holding fast to the word of life SO THAT in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain.
As I just mentioned with never being owed an explanation of a command; there are times we are granted that. I appreciate these times, in fact, anytime there is a "so that" in my Bible, there is a little box around it!
Just the very little bit I am reading has made me all the more grateful for those who have gone before us and walked a hard road in order for us to have any sort of guidance. I pray that I remember this whenever I go through hard time that it is not for me but for the Gospel and the spiritual growth of someone else.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Starting it up with Phillipians
As soon as I finished reading through Galatians I wanted a new book to jump into. A good friend encouraged me to begin reading through Philippians. I have begun and here is what God is teaching me thus far.
v. 6 And I am sure that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
LOVE this verse, like so many of you. I often will have a "great idea" and work on it with everything I have and realize either a.) it wasn't really a great idea to begin with or b.) completely run out of steam and start searching for the next best thing.
I am so thankful that God never had a great idea about my life but that he had PLAN for my life since the beginning of time and He promises to bring that to completion!
v. 9-11 And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.
There is no way for me to adequately sum this up, other than agreeing with this prayer. I pray that I don't gain knowledge for the sake of knowledge, but that through this knowledge Christ will reveal himself to me that I may love more. I pray that I will be able to approve what is excellent. I pray that God will continue to stretch me and challenge to the point that I'm certain I can't take it anymore, only to realize that He always has been and always will be ENOUGH!
v. 6 And I am sure that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
LOVE this verse, like so many of you. I often will have a "great idea" and work on it with everything I have and realize either a.) it wasn't really a great idea to begin with or b.) completely run out of steam and start searching for the next best thing.
I am so thankful that God never had a great idea about my life but that he had PLAN for my life since the beginning of time and He promises to bring that to completion!
v. 9-11 And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.
There is no way for me to adequately sum this up, other than agreeing with this prayer. I pray that I don't gain knowledge for the sake of knowledge, but that through this knowledge Christ will reveal himself to me that I may love more. I pray that I will be able to approve what is excellent. I pray that God will continue to stretch me and challenge to the point that I'm certain I can't take it anymore, only to realize that He always has been and always will be ENOUGH!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Forgotten God - Francis Chan
One of my goals this year is to read two books a month. I enjoy reading so much but have not really had a good outlet to share what I've learned during the process.
After reading "Forgotten God" by Francis Chan, my perception of the Holy Spirit is forever changed. It has been my prayer that I would continue to walk in the knowledge of the power that is inside of me because of the Holy Spirit.
Prior to reading the book I had big dreams for my life, but they were nothing more than that. Merely dreams of what could happen one day, but I knew they probably wouldn't. I didn't realize the power of the Holy Spirit. I was completely unaware of how big and great the plans God had for my life were. I have now realized that I quite possibly could've been quenching what the Holy Spirit wanted to do in my life.
Here are just a handful of the quote that really jumped out at me.
"Shouldn't there be a huge difference between the person who has the Spirit of God living inside of him or her and the person who does not?"
"Many of us don't need more knowledge about the Spirit from a cerebral vantage point - what we need is experiential knowledge of His presence."
"Do you have enough humility to be open to the possibility that you have been wrong in your understanding of the Spirit?"
"I think that quite often we worry a lot more about how people will respond to us than we do about how the Holy Spirit of God will respond. But rarely (if ever) do we consider whether our actions or lifestyle are grievous to the Spirit of the living God!"
"When you begin living a life characterized by walking with the Spirit, that is when people will begin to look not to you but to our Father in heaven and give Him the Praise."
"We are made to be like Elijah, who did not question whether God would show His face that day. He prayed and asked for help, and God sent down fire from heaven in response."
"I don't want my life to be explainable without the Holy Spirit. I want to live in such a way that I am desperate for Him to come through. That if He doesn't come through, I am screwed!"
"We have to get on the treadmill and run - merely looking at the workout machine doesn't do a whole lot."
"The Spirit who raised Christ from the dead is not someone we can just call on when we want a little extra power in our lives. Jesus Christ did not die in order to follow us. He died and rose again so that we could forget everything else and follow Him to the cross, to true life."
Since reading this book I am completely convinced that any dream I could have for my life I will be able to fulfill; because of the power of the Holy Spirit living in me. I'm not convinced that at the end of my life people will know who "Laura Carlson" was, but I truly pray that because of my life Christ will be more famous and people will only remember Him and His work in their lives.
God is still working on my heart about these things. I cannot even begin to expound on them all. I cannot encourage you enough to pick this book up. Very much life changing!
After reading "Forgotten God" by Francis Chan, my perception of the Holy Spirit is forever changed. It has been my prayer that I would continue to walk in the knowledge of the power that is inside of me because of the Holy Spirit.
Prior to reading the book I had big dreams for my life, but they were nothing more than that. Merely dreams of what could happen one day, but I knew they probably wouldn't. I didn't realize the power of the Holy Spirit. I was completely unaware of how big and great the plans God had for my life were. I have now realized that I quite possibly could've been quenching what the Holy Spirit wanted to do in my life.
Here are just a handful of the quote that really jumped out at me.
"Shouldn't there be a huge difference between the person who has the Spirit of God living inside of him or her and the person who does not?"
"Many of us don't need more knowledge about the Spirit from a cerebral vantage point - what we need is experiential knowledge of His presence."
"Do you have enough humility to be open to the possibility that you have been wrong in your understanding of the Spirit?"
"I think that quite often we worry a lot more about how people will respond to us than we do about how the Holy Spirit of God will respond. But rarely (if ever) do we consider whether our actions or lifestyle are grievous to the Spirit of the living God!"
"When you begin living a life characterized by walking with the Spirit, that is when people will begin to look not to you but to our Father in heaven and give Him the Praise."
"We are made to be like Elijah, who did not question whether God would show His face that day. He prayed and asked for help, and God sent down fire from heaven in response."
"I don't want my life to be explainable without the Holy Spirit. I want to live in such a way that I am desperate for Him to come through. That if He doesn't come through, I am screwed!"
"We have to get on the treadmill and run - merely looking at the workout machine doesn't do a whole lot."
"The Spirit who raised Christ from the dead is not someone we can just call on when we want a little extra power in our lives. Jesus Christ did not die in order to follow us. He died and rose again so that we could forget everything else and follow Him to the cross, to true life."
Since reading this book I am completely convinced that any dream I could have for my life I will be able to fulfill; because of the power of the Holy Spirit living in me. I'm not convinced that at the end of my life people will know who "Laura Carlson" was, but I truly pray that because of my life Christ will be more famous and people will only remember Him and His work in their lives.
God is still working on my heart about these things. I cannot even begin to expound on them all. I cannot encourage you enough to pick this book up. Very much life changing!
Monday, January 4, 2010
The Rest of the decade in a whirlwind!
Okay, so I pretty much did a horrible job at keeping up with the decade and letting y'all know how exciting my life has been the past ten years. You will now get the whole decade! Beginning with 2002! I have so many things that I want to blog about, but I will definitely finish this first! So here goes.
This year was interesting. Sophomore year of high school. I still remember the youth camp we went to this year. It was in Kentucky. I don't remember the name of it, but it was great. It was such a good experience and I totally enjoyed it.
In the fall of '02 I had a very good friend die suddenly from an ATV accident. This definitely rocked my world. The one thing I still carry with me from this event is something that my Dad said to me. "God puts people in our lives for a reason. What are you going to do with it when they're gone?" This began the process of God teaching me not only that our life is short, but that we must be intentional and we must make everything count.
This, being my junior year, was the year that I really started asking the question and struggling with the question (That I still ask myself today) "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Hate that question. I almost still do because I just don't have a concrete answer to that and it kills me!
At this point in my life I wanted to go to Belmont University in Nashville, TN and major in music business. My DREAM was to be a road manager. Thought that was just the absolute coolest job in the world! For those that don't know. Four years THEN at Belmont would've cost me about $70,000! That's a little bit out of control, completely unattainable. Was NOT going to be happening.
Sr. Year! Yeah baby! This was a totally great year. Sr. Year and I got out of school at 11. It truly does not get any better than this! This was also a fun year because Rebecca and I drove to school together! We had way too much fun sometimes. It was great.
This would be year one at the community college. Crazy town. Was not a fan of this experience AT ALL. High school was four of the longest years of my life. I did not enjoy it. I have often wished that I could go back to high school now with my attitude and personality now. I was so stinking shy and timid in high school. Didn't talk to anyone and was completely okay if no one talked to me. When entering community college nearly everyone that I was with in high school I was at college with. This led to a not very fun experience. I ended up not finishing in 2006 and began working as much full time as possible.
During our eight years in Missouri from 2000-2008 this was a very trying time for our family. In so many different areas. There were many times that I would pray sobbing asking God why He was taking us through this time. Wondering what we had done to deserve this. It was then that I begin to realize we are loved, but we are not entitled. I remember reading about Moses in the wilderness for forty years and the people having everything provided for them but yet they were still complaining. THEN after being in the wilderness for forty years Moses didn't even lead the children of Israel to the Promise Land! Realizing this was the point in which I believe Christ started teaching me about entitlement. We are called to serve Him and bring Him glory alone.
This year changed A LOT! Not only did we move back to Texas, but my brother got married! This was a very exciting time for us being so happy for he and Kelly and so excited about bringing her into our family. At the same time, however, we are dealing with selling a house and moving to another state. It was crazy, but that was totally God's timing and I am so thankful that HE was the one in control and not any of us.
I began working that fall at a church in Tyler doing secretarial things and everything else that wasn't defined to a current position. It was fun and I totally enjoyed my time there. God DEFINITELY taught me a lot and I am thankful for what he taught me while there.
LOTS happened this year! Began a new job. I got a new car! (Thanks Josh Knight!) I moved into my own apartment. My sister got married and moved to MISSOURI. And then 6 months later I moved back home to Palestine with the folks. I learned a lot while I was living on my own. 1.) I don't like living alone. 2.) It costs A LOT to live alone.
Lesson learned. Back with the folks and enjoying it. Love being with my parents and enjoy our time together so much. It's been fun being back. I'm not enjoying driving a two-hour round trip to work each day, but it has been a welcomes break.
Here is my decade! 2010 has been wonderful so far and I am truly anxious about what this year holds. I have great expectation and love not knowing what the end of this story will look like.
This year was interesting. Sophomore year of high school. I still remember the youth camp we went to this year. It was in Kentucky. I don't remember the name of it, but it was great. It was such a good experience and I totally enjoyed it.
In the fall of '02 I had a very good friend die suddenly from an ATV accident. This definitely rocked my world. The one thing I still carry with me from this event is something that my Dad said to me. "God puts people in our lives for a reason. What are you going to do with it when they're gone?" This began the process of God teaching me not only that our life is short, but that we must be intentional and we must make everything count.
This, being my junior year, was the year that I really started asking the question and struggling with the question (That I still ask myself today) "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Hate that question. I almost still do because I just don't have a concrete answer to that and it kills me!
At this point in my life I wanted to go to Belmont University in Nashville, TN and major in music business. My DREAM was to be a road manager. Thought that was just the absolute coolest job in the world! For those that don't know. Four years THEN at Belmont would've cost me about $70,000! That's a little bit out of control, completely unattainable. Was NOT going to be happening.
Sr. Year! Yeah baby! This was a totally great year. Sr. Year and I got out of school at 11. It truly does not get any better than this! This was also a fun year because Rebecca and I drove to school together! We had way too much fun sometimes. It was great.
This would be year one at the community college. Crazy town. Was not a fan of this experience AT ALL. High school was four of the longest years of my life. I did not enjoy it. I have often wished that I could go back to high school now with my attitude and personality now. I was so stinking shy and timid in high school. Didn't talk to anyone and was completely okay if no one talked to me. When entering community college nearly everyone that I was with in high school I was at college with. This led to a not very fun experience. I ended up not finishing in 2006 and began working as much full time as possible.
During our eight years in Missouri from 2000-2008 this was a very trying time for our family. In so many different areas. There were many times that I would pray sobbing asking God why He was taking us through this time. Wondering what we had done to deserve this. It was then that I begin to realize we are loved, but we are not entitled. I remember reading about Moses in the wilderness for forty years and the people having everything provided for them but yet they were still complaining. THEN after being in the wilderness for forty years Moses didn't even lead the children of Israel to the Promise Land! Realizing this was the point in which I believe Christ started teaching me about entitlement. We are called to serve Him and bring Him glory alone.
This year changed A LOT! Not only did we move back to Texas, but my brother got married! This was a very exciting time for us being so happy for he and Kelly and so excited about bringing her into our family. At the same time, however, we are dealing with selling a house and moving to another state. It was crazy, but that was totally God's timing and I am so thankful that HE was the one in control and not any of us.
I began working that fall at a church in Tyler doing secretarial things and everything else that wasn't defined to a current position. It was fun and I totally enjoyed my time there. God DEFINITELY taught me a lot and I am thankful for what he taught me while there.
LOTS happened this year! Began a new job. I got a new car! (Thanks Josh Knight!) I moved into my own apartment. My sister got married and moved to MISSOURI. And then 6 months later I moved back home to Palestine with the folks. I learned a lot while I was living on my own. 1.) I don't like living alone. 2.) It costs A LOT to live alone.
Lesson learned. Back with the folks and enjoying it. Love being with my parents and enjoy our time together so much. It's been fun being back. I'm not enjoying driving a two-hour round trip to work each day, but it has been a welcomes break.
Here is my decade! 2010 has been wonderful so far and I am truly anxious about what this year holds. I have great expectation and love not knowing what the end of this story will look like.
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