Wednesday, December 23, 2009

And the decade continues 2001

As I look back over 2001 and think of how life has changed and any defining moments the main one that sticks out to me and probably most anyone is September 11th.
We all know where we were. What we were doing. How we found out. It's the JFK shooting of this generation!

One thing I do remember about that is I was so totally convinced that Jesus was coming back. I mean, seriously. (quit laughing) I was reading through revelations like it was my job! A few days into it I had a realization of "Oh great, I'm one of "them" now!"

Know those people who only go to God when they have exhausted all their resources. When they tried absolutely everything and it's still not working. THEN they go to God? Yeah, that's what I felt like! I didn't rededicate my life or anything like that. What happened is I decided to be more intentional with how I was living.

Reading through Revelations or any part of the Bible isn't bad, but what's the point if your life isn't changed? In no way was that an over night change, but it was definitely the beginning of the process for me of being intentional about my relationship with God. It was no longer something that sat on the shelf and looked pretty on Sundays, but it was something that actually defined who I am.

Even today I am in the process of continually working out my relationship with God and continually journeying with him every step of the way!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

In a decade.....2000

I really want to begin blogging for the next ten days over the passed decade and everything that has gone on and really just how much my life has changed in ten years. As a person I have completely changed and my family dynamics have changed and I really just want to take time to look back and remember that and be thankful for it.

The year that life changed! Literally! The summer of 2000 I was 15. We moved that summer from Texas to Missouri. Seven hundred miles never seemed so far away. Rebecca and I were fixing to go into high school and Ben was going into his senior year. It didn't make sense to any of us, but we all had a peace that we were doing exactly what God had called us to.
Dad got called to a church in Missouri. That was a HUGE step for all of us when for me personally I just felt like God saying “Do you trust me now?” Texas was safe for us. It was home. It was predictable. Life was so good. We had just moved into a beautiful new home. We loved our school. It was a great time for all of us, and then it all changed.
One of the songs that I remember hearing when we were in the process of this is one by Avalon called Move or Move Me. The chorus spoke to me and gave me so much peace that I knew it was from the Lord. It simply said:

Lord move in a way that I’ve never seen before.
Cause there’s a mountain in the way and a lock on the door.
I’m drifting away, waves are crashing on the shore.
So Lord move, or move me.

So many friends were left behind in Texas. It absolutely broke me to think of leaving them. All the high school years without my friends. Wondering if I'd ever see them again. It was hard, but we did it.

The relationships that we had when we were in Missouri were neat. It definitely took a lot of getting used to. It was a hard adjustment, but we made some good friends in that first year.

I would have never imagine starting off 2000 that my life would change as much as it did just in that first year, but God has truly blessed our family because of our willingness to obey Him, and it definitely made us that much more dependent on Him alone!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Galatians 6

Totally jumpin right into this this week!

v. 2 Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

In no way do we look more like Christ than when we are carrying one another's burdens. This is the whole point of Mark 12 when Christ says "Love your neighbor as yourself." We get so caught up in our selfishness by just living our own life. The whole point of the Gospel is to continually serve those around us for the sake of making Christ famous.

v.9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

There are two things that stick out to me. I like that Paul makes the statement that you "will" grow weary of doing good. Anyone that been in any service/ministry aspect knows how tiring you can be to do good. It really can be.
This verse has been such an encouragement to me at very different seasons in my life. I love the promise that we WILL reap a harvest but we must not give up! We just can't! It is so easy for me to look around at what is going around and think "Seriously? I'M going to make a difference? Nope!" I forget too quickly that I have the power of the Holy Spirit IN ME! Christ has commanded me to "do good" and what's better than that He promised that "We will reap a harvest....IF WE DON'T GIVE UP!!"

v. 14 But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

I love that Christ teaches us the right way to boast, and that is only through him and only through the cross. Check out my friend Mark's blog for more details just on this verse and how Christ coming has taught us how to boast.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


As I have been reading and blogging through Galatians a plan on starting through Phillippians next week there is a certain amount of conviction that is beginning to set in.

The one question that I try and ask myself on a fairly regular basis is "What's the point?" From my current activity, hobby, job, mindset. Everything that make up the ingredients of who I am I want to continually take inventory of that and ask "what's the point?"

If it's not challenging me or edifying the body then I want to make a change!

So with going through this blog and these readings, if it doesn't change the person that I am then what is the point? I pray that this will become more than a daily activity and that I would allow God to be nosy in the deepest parts of my heart and let Him be the judge of what belongs and what doesn't.

May the convictions turn into transformation.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Galatians 6

v. 2 Bear one an0ther's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

In no way do we look more like Christ than when we are carrying one another's burdens. This is the whole point of Mark 12 when Christ says "love your neighbor as yourself".
We get so caught up in our selfishness by just living our own life. The whole point of the Gospel is to continually service those around us for the sake of making Christ famous!

v. 9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

There are two things that stick out to me. I like that Paul subtly makes the statement that you "will" grow weary of doing good. Anyone that's been in any area of service knows how exhausting it can be to "do good". I love how Paul follows this up with some encouragement for endurance with "in due season we will reap, if we do not give up". So many times when I "do good" I would like my reward now please! Who has time for patience? I feel like Paul is big picturing us on the deal by simply saying "It'll come. When the time is just right, it will come. Don't give up."

This verse has been so encouraging to me in different seasons of my life. It is not only exhausting, but can sometimes be frustrating when you're following God's will and it just feels hard. A little bit of favor every once in awhile would be nice. I am totally encouraging to me to hear once again. You WILL reap a harvest.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Galatians 5

The more I read this the more in love with Paul's heart I am! I seriously love this guy and his passion.

v. 7 You were running well. Who hindered you from obeying the truth? 8. This persuasion is not from Him who calls you.

Notice in v.7 it doesn't say "what" hindered you, but "who". I think this sticks out to me the most because so many times I look at the things that are hindering me and don't realize that the devil is actually the one controlling those things. Realizing this is part of the stepping back and realizing just how much spiritual warfare we're surrounded by.

v.25 If we live by the Spirit. 26. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.

So humbling to read this last part of chapter 5. I am embarrassed by how conceited and big headed I can be. I really do think I know everything sometimes. It is hard learning the humility lesson. It's hard to compare my actions to Christ and not to those who I deem "beneath me".

We are called to edify one another. To put others before ourselves. I fail daily and am grateful to God for his unfailing love and grace.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Galatians 4

Trekking on through Galatians and am amazed so much by what God is showing me. Both through His Word and in the peace that comes realizing He is still offering grace today. It seems like a lot of this book has been Paul reminding the Galatians about the God whom they have believed and in a sense telling them to grow up!

v. 4 But when the time arrived that was set by God the Father, God sent His Son, born among us of a woman, born under the conditions of the law so that he might redeem those of us who have been kidnapped by the law. (The Message)

The picture of God becoming man still amazes me. I mean, it'd be nice just to have someone on the sidelines of our life cheering us on and showing us the way. God did way more than that though. He left His throne in heaven to come down to earth. Still today he cares enough to crawl down into the foxholes of our life.

v. 11 I'm afraid I may have labored of you in vain. (The Message)

To hear Paul proclaim this absolutely breaks me. It makes me think so much of the people God has put in my life to mentor me. I have been so incredibly blessed by the men and women in my life that have poured their life into mine. I do not for a second take that for granted. I pray that as I grow in the Lord He will allow me to be that blessing in someone else's life.

v. 17 Those heretical teachers go to great lengths to flatter you, but their motives are rotten. They want to shut you out of the free world of God's grace so that you will always depend on them for approval and direction, making them feel important. (The Message)

This verse caught me on so many levels. First was really on the whole "people pleasing" level. It really is a dangerous place to be when we are seeking the approval of man. The second thing is I don't want to be this kind of teacher! I feel like I have some very controlling aspects to my own personality and that is so detrimental to the body of Christ. Christ has come to set all men free from the bondage of the law! We are to all live in that freedom!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Galatians 3

I absolutely love Paul's tone in this. I read it in the ESV and got to the end and had one of those "What in the world did I just read?!" Went back and read it in the message and understood it all over again!

The main gist of this is Paul going back and reminding the believers of whom they have believed! It's so easy for us in our life to begin "living for God" like it's something we do. Actions we take or things we say. Paul is totally throwing that mentality out the window here!

v.2-4 Let me put this question to you: How did your new life begin? Was it by working your heads off to please God? Or was it by responding to God's Message to you? Are you going to continue this craziness? For only crazy people would think they could complete by their own efforts what was begun by God. If you weren't smart enough or strong enough to begin it, how do you suppose you could perfect it? Did you go through this whole painful learning process for nothing? It is not yet a total loss, but it certainly will be if you keep this up! (The Message)

So many times in my personal life I just kinda go on auto-pilot and figure each decision out by what fits in "the box". Does this follow my plan? Is this going to get my to my projected goal? Is this a safe move? In the process of weighing out all variables it will often times hit me.....well not often...sometimes.....okay, occasionally, I will stop and realize that I am making decisions based on what is safe.

It has recently just been gently spoken to me that God doesn't get to show off when we live in the "safe". He does his biggest work when all the factors are there as humans to fail. When there is absolutely no possible way it can be done. THAT is when we get to say "To God alone be the glory". I think this is what Paul is going for here:

5-6Answer this question: Does the God who lavishly provides you with his own presence, his Holy Spirit, working things in your lives you could never do for yourselves, does he do these things because of your strenuous moral striving or because you trust him to do them in you? Don't these things happen among you just as they happened with Abraham? He believed God, and that act of belief was turned into a life that was right with God.

God provides for us because he's God and for no other reason than that! He loves us with a love that we will never be able to comprehend. He blesses us because of His love for us. Nothing that we do will make him bless us more!

I pray that I will live in this truth! Live TODAY in this truth! Knowing that the God of the universe loves me with an undying love and live in complete obedience to Him and his will.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Galatians 2

I think the overall theme of this chapter is the great lengths that Paul went through to preserve the Gospel. He did everything he could to avoid it being tainted by human opinion.

v. 14 "But when I saw their conduct was not in step with the truth of the Gospel, I said to Cephas before them all, "If you, though a Jew, live like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how can you force the Gentiles to live like Jews?"

I feel like sometimes the hardest place to be a Christian is in the church. We are so critical and judgemental. I love the stance that Paul takes in completely calling Peter out! Paul who was once persecuting the church! Blows my mind that he wouldn't shy away and not want to correct Peter, but he is so full of the truth of Christ that he can't help but proclaim that same truth.

v. 21 ...."for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose."

To think that we as Christians have reduced the Gospel down to a list of rules is so disheartening. We cannot handle the complexity of Christ so we have stuffed him in our box that we do understand and have then turned around and sold our "God in a box" without selling the Gospel!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Reading Through Galatians

For about three weeks now I have had the book of Galatians on my heart. I have no idea why. I don't know what sparked my interest in this book, but decided that I would start reading it and just tear apart what I was getting from it.
I am a HUGE fan of reading commentaries and different authors who are much smarter than I with much more knowledge and experience, but I have just been personally challenged lately to really open up the Word and figure IT out for myself.

So here goes. I'm taking one chapter at a time and just figuring out the parts that really stick out to me.

Gal. 1:10
For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.

This hit me at the core! I am the biggest people pleaser I've ever known! I work so hard to not disappoint my parents, my friends, my boss. I am constantly working to make others happy. Throwin' this out there right now. You can NEVER make everyone happy. You will NEVER be able to be all things to all people. You will fail and people will be disappointed with you! There is a lot of pressure that comes with living this life also!

I was so convicted by this verse because it hit me right away that I am so concerned with what others think of me and making sure that I am "good enough". The fact that the opinion of man suddenly became more important to me than the opinion of God absolutely breaks me to even say that and acknowledge it in my life.
While reading the blog of Pete Wilson last week he wrote a blog that simply stated "Information does not equate transformation". This kinda made the impact of Galatians 1:10 all the more real to me. The fact that I have recognized my need for the approval of man and realizing how wrong that is; acknowledging it is not enough. There must be a transformation.
So I'm working on it and praying for God to show me ways to serve HIM.

For I would have you know, brothers, that the gospel that was preached by me is not man's gospel. 12 For I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ.

This has been a hard issue for me to not be ignorant about. It has really bothered me how some who are in the ministry that have gone to seminary put one seminary against another. As if someone is not qualified or AS qualified if they didn't attend seminary where someone else deems legit!
I have such a strong opinion on this and pray that only the truth of my conviction will come through on this part.

I truly believe that Paul is showing the legitimacy of his speech comes from Christ alone. From the teachings he has gotten directly from Jesus. Not from man.
There's something in that. There is something that happens in the heart of someone who has truly struggled with the real-deal-raw-issues of life and can be on the other side and say "Not only was I there and do I know where you're coming from, but here is what our response to Christ should be through this."
It speaks so much to me that the disciples were just real people. They weren't working in a church. They didn't have pretty clothes. Some of them not even accepted by culture, but Jesus knew that that's exactly who He came to reach.
I am so convicted that if we are not reaching out to the least of these then we have completely failed in our calling as a Christ follower.

Here are some of my thoughts. I would love to hear yours.

I am anxious to continue reading through this book and allowing Christ to change my heart with His will and His purpose.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Is it REALLY the MOST wonderful time of the year?

Cannot believe that some stores have had Christmas decorations up for about two weeks now....and we're just now in DECEMBER!!!!! CRAZY!

This Holiday season has been kinda weird for the Carlson fam. With Ben & Rebecca both being married and having other families to go to, it's weird for me and the folks. It's made me instead of feeling real sorry for myself (which believe me, I'll do it on the drop of a hat!) more I have realized how many people the holidays really aren't a fun time for.
I am so blessed for all the times I have shared with my family and the fun times we do have when we’re together.

I have so many friends who have broken families or their family just doesn't like being together. The holidays aren't fun. It's not fun to be with family that you have avoided at all cost during the year. The family that you ignore on the caller id every time you see their name come up. The family that you would not even want to sit next to in church! Yeah....THAT family! You're now gonna have dinner with them and act like you like them. Sweep every family problem under the rug and life is wonderful.

So what’s so wonderful about this time of year anyway? I mean seriously. Family problems coming to the surface. Never knowing what to get someone! Going in debt until next summer! Really?! The MOST wonderful time of the year?

There are some members in every family who in our minds we have deemed that THEY are the ones that have done that absolute unforgivable sin….by our measure of course! What do you think about Mary & Joseph, I mean not everyone believed when Jesus was born that it was actually Him that was THE Messiah. What if there were members of their family that didn’t believe? How do you think their Christmas celebrations were? I mean the whole “reason for the season” was the whole reason why they didn’t even want to be together!

You know what I love about this. JESUS! Jesus was right in the middle of the dysfunctional family. I mean, seriously. Look at his genealogy. No secrets there! I love that Jesus was right in the middle of it.

Just like with our families! He crawls right in the middle of our dysfunction. Gets in the middle of our hurt. In the middle of our ugliness and hidden sins.

And what does he offer us? Love. Love unconditional. And what’s better than that is he offers forgiveness. If anyone knows anything about dysfunction it’s Jesus Christ.

I am so in awe of this great savior that CHOOSES to love me. Despite my ugliness. Despite my bitterness towards life. Despite my hurt and paint. Despite of……me. Jesus. The Saviour of the world. Loves……me.